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BillCare Modules
Menu GroupModules
  • Holiday Setup
  • Dialed Zone
  • New Price Zone
  • Volume Discount Zone
  • Geographical Destination
  • Carrier Code
  • Carrier's International Access Code
  • Carrier's Trunk Group
  • Time Codes
  • Module Locking
  • Prize Zone Mapping
  • Rate Table
  • Currency Code
  • Exchange Rate
  • Restore EOP for Amortization
  • Confirm EOP For Amortization
  • EOP For Amortization
  • Non-PN Amortization Data Entry
  • Non-PN Amortization Master List
      Amortization Module with Promissory Notes
  • PN Amortization Data Entry
  • Amortization Master List With PN
  • Active in ISIS But Not in Switch
  • Active in Switch But Not in ISIS
  • Reconciled Accounts Module
      Credit Limit Modules for CSO and Managers
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Disconnected Lines
  • CSO - Recommend for Reconnection
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Reconnected Lines
  • MGR - VIP Accounts for Disconnection
  • CSO - 90% CR Limit Reached
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Discon Lines
  • CSO - Recommend For Reconnection
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Recon Lines
  • Credit Limit Supervision
  • MGR - VIP Accounts for Disconnection
  • MGRVIEW - NMC Bar Toll Access
  • MGR - Forced Reconnection
  • MGRVIEW - NMC Reactivate Toll Access
  • Accounts under Credit Limit Actions
      Collection Action Modules for CSO and Managers
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Disconnected Lines to Local
  • CSO - Recommend for Reconnection to Local
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Reconnected Lines to Local
  • With Payment Plan Data Entry
  • With Payment Plan Report
  • With Payment Plan Updating of Entries
      Collection Action
  • Schedule of Collection Actions Module
  • CSO - Accounts Due for Callthru
  • Collection Action Master
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Discon Lines to LOCAL
  • CSO - Update ISIS on PD Lines
  • CSO - Recommend Recon To Local
  • CSO - Recommend Recon to NDD/IDD
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Discon Lines to TPDLIN
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Recon Lines to LOCAL
  • CSO - Update ISIS on Recon Lines to NDD/IDD
  • MGR - VIP Accounts for Disconnection
  • MGRVIEW - NMC Bar Toll Access
  • MGR - Forced Reconnection
  • MGRVIEW - NMC For Permanent Disconnection
  • MGRVIEW - NMC Reactivate Local ( From TD)
  • MGRVIEW- NMC Reactivate Toll Access
  • MGRVIEW - NMC For Temporary Disconnection
  • Accounts Under Collection Actions
  • Access Modification - For Approval
  • NMC - Modify Access
  • Accounts who applied for Access Modification
  • Access Modification - Update ISIS
  • Change Address - For Supervisor's Approval
  • Accounts Who Applied for Change Address
  • Change Name - For Supervisor's Approval
  • Accounts who Applied for Change in Name
  • Change Name - Add Product To ISIS
  • Change Phone - For Supervisor's Approval
  • NMC - Change Phone Number
  • Accounts Who Applied for Change in Phone No.
  • Change Phone - Update ISIS
  • Subscriber's Request Menu
  • Redefault PIN - For Supervisor's Approval
  • NMC - Redefault PIN
  • Accounts who Applied for Redefault of PIN
      Service Order
  • For Supervisor Approval
  • For Call Thru ( OSP )
  • Suspended SOs ( For Call - Thru)
  • For Call Thru ( ISP )
  • Data Entry
  • Materials Maintenance
  • Cancelled SOs ( For NMC's Action)
  • For Installer Access Activation
  • For Line Activation
  • Reprinting of SO Form
  • Cancelled SOs - Removal of FA
  • SP/ISP Accomplishment Report
  • Tracking of Accounts
  • ISIS Updating
      Collection Action Modules for NMC
  • NMC - Bar Toll Access
  • NMC - For Permanent Disconnection
  • NMC - Reactivate Local (From TD)
  • NMC - Reactivate Toll Access
  • NMC - For Temporary Disconnection
  • NMC - Bar Toll Access
  • NMC - Reactivate Toll Access
      Permanently Disconnected Accounts Management
  • List of Abandoned PD Accounts
  • PD Accounts Collector Assignment
  • List Of Accounts Assigned to Collectors
  • Call - Thru of PD Accounts
  • List Of PD Accounts
  • NMC - Deactivate RC 24
  • NMC - Activate RC 24
  • RC 24 Activation Request
  • Tag Abandoned PD Accounts
      Service Order Facility Assignment
  • Facility Assignment
      EOD Usage Rates
  • EOD Usage Rates
      Line Access Modification History
  • Line Access Modification History
      Unrated Call Processing
  • Review Of Processed Calls
  • Manual Call Processing
  • Review of UN-Rated Calls
      Restore EOP
  • Restore EOP
      Post EOP Usage Comparison
  • Pre - EOP Usage Comparison
  • Post - EOP Usage Comparison
      Volume Discounting Modules
  • Volume Discount Parameters
  • Geo Discount Zone Grouping
  • Product Discount Grouping Maintenance
  • Volume Discount Rate Plan
  • Rate Table - Prize Zone Mapping
      Billing Modules
  • Billing Register
  • Billing Summary
  • EOP Processing History
  • EOP Processing
  • Invoice Printing
      Letter of Notice Printing
  • Letter of Notice Printing
  • Re - Printing of the Letter of Notice
      Product Definition Maintenance
  • Product Definitions
      Accounts Receivable Modules
  • A/R Supervisors
  • A/R Authorized Users
  • Accept Returned ORs
  • Assign OR To Tellers
  • Official Receipts Generation
  • Accept Assigned ORs
  • Return Assigned ORs
  • Un-Assign OR from Tellers
      Official Receipts Modules
  • On-line Payments
  • Payments From Banks
  • Batch Payments
      On Demand Billing for Makati and Mindanao end users
  • ODB Approval
  • ODB Requests
  • ODB CDR Preparation
      Collection Action specific to Makati
  • Collection Action - For Callthrough
  • Collection Action - Accounts with Past Due Balance
  • Collection Action - Temporary Disconnection
  • Collection Action - Dunning Letter
  • Accounts with disputed balance
  • Update TD lines in ISIS
  • Update reconnected lines in ISIS
  • Update PD lines in ISIS
  • List of Accounts under Legal Actions
  • SO printing for temporary disconnection
  • SO printing for Line Reconnection
  • SO printing for permanent disconnection
  • Lines for temporary disconnection
  • Lines for reconnection of service
  • Lines for permanent disconnection
  • Accounts with past due balance
  • Notice of temporary disconnection
  • Final Notice of Service Disconnection
  • Call thru accounts with past due balance
  • Final collection demand letter
  • Accounts exceeding credit limit
  • Confirm temporary disconnection
  • Confirm reconnection of service
  • Confirm permanent disconnection
  • Accounts w/ balance fully secured
      Account-Contract Creation and Customer Service Modules
  • Periodic Charges
  • Contact Summary
  • Usage Details
  • Note Pad
  • Deposit History
  • Summary of Charges
  • Refund Deposit
  • Payment History
  • Volume Discounts
  • Customer Care
  • Add Phone
  • New Account Creation
  • Add Contract
  • Contract Amendments
  • Add Deposit
  • Add Phone Products
  • Add Non-Phone products
  • Customer Selection screen
      Account Treatment
  • Access Modification:
    • Access module - Returned Requests
    • Access Modification - for Approval
    • NMC Modify Access
    • Notification on Access Modification
  • Amendments:
    • Change Cycle
    • Contract Amendments
    • Add Contract
    • Add Phone Products
    • Add None Phone Products
    • Exchange Phone Number
  • Customer Service:
    • New Account Creation
    • Subscriber's Preferred Access
    • Access Modification
  • Exchange Phone Number:
    • Exchange Phone No - Returned requests
    • Notification on exchange phone nos.
    • Preferred Access - for Approval
    • NMC - Exchange Phone No.
  • Change Cycle
  • Exchange Phone Number
  • Subscriber's Preferred Access
  • Add Deposit
  • Cancel Contract
  • Cancel Phone Number
  • Add Non-Phone Products
  • Cancel Non-phone Products
  • Cancel Phone Products
  • Add Secondary Products
  • Cancel Secondary Products
  • Cancel Secondary Products
  • Redefault PIN
  • Add Phone
  • Transfer of Line
  • Out- Move
  • In-Move
  • Extension Line
  • Add Phone Products
      Line Feature De-Activation Request
  • Line Feature Activation-For Approval
  • NMC -Deactivation Line Features
      Billing Menu
  • EOP Processing History
  • Confirm EOP
  • Invoice Printing
      Line Features
  • Primary - Secondary Feature Mapping
      Secondary Feature Activation Menu
  • Line Feature Activation - For Approval
      Bring A Friend 2
  • Data Entry
  • For Approval
  • List of Endrosers
  • List of Endorsees
      EOP Related Menu
  • EOP Promo
  • Promo Recap
  • Confirm EOP Promo
  • Restore EOP Promo
      Re-default PIN Code Menu
  • Data entry module
  • Redefault PIN for Approval
  • NMC Re-default PIN
  • Re-default PIN-Returned Requests
      Service Order Final
  • SO Approval
  • Installer's Access Activation
  • For Call-Through(ISP)
  • Confirm for Call-Through(OSP)
  • Line Activation
  • Suspended Sos
  • Facility Assignment
  • Removal of IA
  • Removal of FA
  • Notification of Processed Sos
  • Re-printing of SO Form
  • SP/ISP Accomplishment Report
  • Tracking of Accounts
      DDD Auto-Activation
  • Letter Printing
      WPP - Final
  • Data Entry
      Collection Actions
  • For LEC Mgr Confirmation Module
  • Confirm VIP Accounts for Disconnection
  • NMC Temporary Disconnection
  • NMC Permanent Disconnection
  • Recommended Recon to NDD/IDD Module
  • Due Date Reached (For Call-Thru)
  • NMC Reactivate Access
  • NMC Bar Toll Access
  • Accounts under Collection Action
  • Schedule of Collection Action
  • Forced Reconnection
  • Update ISIS and Recon Local Lines Module
      Credit Limit Actions
  • CSO 90% Credit Limit Reached
  • Confirm VIP Accounts for Disconnection
  • NMC Reactivate Toll Access
  • NMC Bar Toll Access
  • Accounts Under Credit Limit Action
  • Non-VIP account for Disconnection
      Complaint Management
  • Nature of Complaints
  • Personnel Group
  • Complaint Personnel Group Mapping
  • Personnel Maintenance
  • Complaint Code Maintenance
  • Prompts by Complaints
  • Open Complaints
  • Complaint Inquiry
  • Complaint Entry
  • Complaint Disposition
  • Complaint Details